Science of Science
How do scholars use social media in combination with online repositories to disseminate their publications to the general public and research communities? The proliferation of online platforms means that access to high quality scientific papers is potentially enhanced, even as the challenges for users to choose reliable and trustworthy sites intensifies. While scholars have readily adopted online methods of disseminating their work, there are no clear guidelines for how to do so in ways that ensure that the highest quality science receives the most attention.
Within this area, we explore how to:

- Develop methods that investigate how scientific publications spread on various types of online platforms, and identify patterns of uneven coverage of scholarship.
- Develop computational tools for improving scientists’ dissemination strategies.
- Develop novel tools designed to filter papers in the pre-peer review stage.
I Zakhlebin and E-Á Horvát, Diffusion of scientific articles across online platforms, AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, Atlanta, GA, 2020