Cultural Analytics
What are the organizing principles behind creativity and cultural industries? Our research into the processes of collective evaluation has many connections and applications to creative sectors, such as film, music, and other media industries. Within these areas of cultural production, we study the value of social capital in creative enterprises, advancing our understanding of the role of network embeddedness both at the level of artworks and artists. We look at innovation through influences from prior artworks and collaborations between artists in order to evaluate cultural trends and understand innovation opportunities.
Projects that explore the intersection of creative occupations and data science are:

- The role of networks in disseminating ideas in cinema, large-scale study of reference networks (aka citations) between cultural products that enable tracking the spread of narrative and visual solutions in cinema.
- Gendered patterns in music production networks. In particular, the study looks at collaborations between artists as a means to recombine existing ideas and innovation.
Y Wang and E-Á Horvát, Gender differences in the global music industry: Evidence from MusicBrainz and The Echo Nest, AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, Munich, Germany, 2019 [pdf] [Press Coverage: WGN Radio, WBBM Radio]
A Spitz and E-Á Horvát, Measuring long-term impact based on network centrality: unraveling cinematic citations, PLOS One 9(10): e108857, 2014 [pdf]