At LINK, we develop and apply quantitative network analysis techniques, using theory-driven investigations that rely on mining Big Data about interactions and behavior, online experiments and surveys, novel statistical modeling frameworks, crowdsourcing, and text analysis. Our work contributes to the fields of Computational Social Science, Network Science, Social Computing, and Computer-Mediated Communication.
Recent Work Spotlight
Collective Intelligence
A Multi-Platform Study of Crowd Signals Associated with Successful Online Fundraising
This CSCW 2021 paper by Henry Dambanemuya analyzes the behavior of crowds on online fundraising platforms.Cultural Analytics
Gender Differences in the Global Music Industry: Evidence from MusicBrainz and The Echo Nest
In this ICWSM 2020 paper, Yixue Wang explores gender differences in music production, and disparities between how male and female artists are represented in the industry.
Science of Science
Diffusion of Scientific Articles across Online Platforms
How does social media influence the way that scientific discoveries are shared? Igor Zakhlebin models how scientific content is shared and disseminated across multiple digital media platforms in this ICWSM 2020 paper to analyze the underlying structures of information sharing.